Income Resources
January | Network Marketing | $65,360.30 |
February | Network Marketing | $62,707.59 |
March | Network Marketing | $82,911.74 |
April | Network Marketing | $66,845.66 |
May | Network Marketing | $64,604.47 |
June | Network Marketing | $79,723.17 |
July | Network Marketing | $66,269.11 |
August | Network Marketing | $63,026.27 |
September | Network Marketing | $76,841.61 |
October | Network Marketing | $65,020.35 |
November | Network Marketing | $61,905.88 |
December | Network Marketing | $74,479.76 |
Total Yearly Income: $829,696
What I earned in 2016
In 2016, all our income was derived from Network Marketing. Our total profits from 2016 were $829,695.91. This was a 9% increase from 2015. Again, another year without a huge % jump, but still a nice little increase over the previous year ☺. In addition to the earnings in 2016, we also paid off a lot of land that we had a loan on. Now the only debt we have is a mortgage for about ½ the value of our home. Goal for 2017 is to have a net worth of $1,000,000.00. Looks cool to write it out that way and always been a goal of mine!
Number of Hours I Worked & my Activities
This whole year was consistent with 40 hrs a week or so except for the summer. I took the entire summer off. We spent a ton of time on Cape Cod in the town of Falmouth. It’s been a vision and dream of ours to spend the summers that way with our family, and it officially happened. Here was the routine for the time we were there. Wake up, coffee for each of us, alternate going for a run-walk while other watches kids, eat breakfast, beach, home for kids’ naps, beach, dinner out, sleep…. REPEAT… Day after day!!
I learned something about myself, though. Although I love spending time with my family and that is why I do what I do, I also function better with a work-family balance. I truly love what I do for work and next year instead of taking the entire summer off, I’m going to work in the mornings and then hang with family in afternoons. Still plan to spend the summer at the beach though!
Couple of Happenings in the Business
Business of Life Podcast got shelved.
I kind of knew this was coming at the end of 2015 and it became official in 2016. Crazy to look back on it though as we produced 164 episodes in total and made so many new friendships and connections through the process. If you haven’t checked it out yet, just search “Keith Callahan” or “The Business of Life” in your podcast player
I got a new office.
We converted the 3rd floor old attic space in our house to my new home office. So far I’m loving it. The space is awesome for creativity. It’s got two sections, one with a desk and then one sitting area with a couch and all my books. And, the best part of all is we are not paying the $700 a month for rent in the old office that I had.
Best news of 2016
We welcomed Adeline “Addie” Mary Callahan to our family early in the year. Now we have 4 kids!
* Income disclaimer: As in any independent business, the level of success or achievement is dependent upon the commitment, skill level, drive, and desire to succeed of the individual. Success results only from effective sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership.