EP112 The Wrong Plan Executed Perfectly is Better than the Right Plan Not Executed At All

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In this episode, I help you to see if you are – what I call – getting the car out of the garage and driving, instead of just tinkering and delaying your progress.


Show Transcript

BOL 112


Episode 112


KC:  Welcome to The Business of Life Podcast. My name is Keith Callahan and today, I want to talk to you about two different approaches to accomplishing things that I’ve seen people do and specifically within business.

So I have the opportunity to mentor, over the last really 20 years, probably a couple of hundred people in business and a couple of hundred people that are starting their own businesses and getting things going.

So I’m going to talk to you about starting your own business, but I want to also say that this sort of pertains to anything in life. There are people that though they will – literally they’ve started business after business after business and a lot of them have been a success and there are other people who I call and those are the guys that get in the car and they drive, right? Like, they open the garage door. They take the key. They put it in. They’re like, “Oh my god! This car starts. This car works. I don’t really know how to drive it.” But they back out of the driveway and they just start going and they figure things out along the way.

Then there are other people who – they open the garage door and they see the car and they know that the car runs and they know that the car works, but they’ve got to open the manual and they’ve got to look at every single thing and how every single piece works. They’ve got to figure out the entire thing out and then they got to open all the different things. They got to check the windows, see if the windows go up and down and they’re in the garage. They’re looking at the manual. They’re cleaning the car. They’re shining the car and a year goes by, two years go by, three years go by.

That other person just put 200,000 miles on the car and maybe you’re that person that is still in the garage, still looking at the manual, not getting out, not doing.

So one of the biggest principles – it’s so funny. I didn’t even mean to do this, that I record two podcasts at a time and today, the second one that I’m going to record is about principles. It may not show up as tomorrow’s podcast but – because they get published in a different order. But one of the principles that I personally live by and I think it’s important is the wrong plan executed perfectly is so much better than the right plan not executed at all.

We’re action-oriented human beings. We’re physical human beings and in order to have success, in order to have happiness, in order to have lived a fulfilling life, we have to be out there doing. A lot of times people will hide and through fear. It’s 100 percent through fear or maybe laziness or indecision. Like, there are all these things that are masked and we call it research. We call it studying. We call it looking up.

Most businesses and the businesses that I’ve worked in, we have to get moving. We have to take action. We have to have to get that car out of the garage and get it out of the garage right away. So, no matter what it is that you’re looking to do in life, if you’re not seeing the results that you’re looking for, take a look at that piece. Are you spending too much time in the garage, tinkering with the manual, tinkering with this or that, shining the car up, waiting for the perfect time to take it out? Just get that thing out on the road.

All right. Have a beautiful, beautiful day and we will see you on the next episode. Peace!


KC: Hey, Keith here, and today I have a free gift for you. Listen this free gift is a list of the 12 most influential books that I’ve ever read. These are the books that have helped me to create the mindset, learn the philosophies, learn the skills to really create this big, beautiful, life that we’re living now.

I read a crazy amount of books, I really do. I’ve probably read thousands of books and these are the top 12 books that – they’re the ones that I go to, they’re the ones that I work with over, and over, and over again. They are highlighted, outlined, dog-eared. And I put this list together for you because I want it to be a shortcut.

I don’t want you to have to – you don’t have to go out and read the thousands and thousands of books. These are the 12 that I highly recommend. I have a detailed review for each book, explaining why I recommend them, why I like them, when I worked with them in my life, what part of my life they helped me to improve.

So I put this together for you, and made it super each for you to get this list. All you have to do is send a text to the number 33444 and then in the body of that text, type in “12books” with no space. So that’s the number “12books”. Again, send the text message to the number, address it to 33444 and then type in “12books” as the message and just send that. And that’ll get you setup to receive those top 12 most influential books that have had the biggest impact on my life.


KC: Today’s episode is brought to you by our sister podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. So All About Beachbody Coaching really allows us to do this podcast without having all those annoying commercials in the beginning for you. So All About Beachbody Coaching, the Beachbody business that Amy and I run, actually funds this podcast.

So yes, it does cost money to run this podcast, we do not charge you anything, we don’t throw in commercials or anything like that, it really is, it’s funded by our business and by our other podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. And for me, I’m just eternally grateful for this opportunity because it’s allowed me to really create the life that I love to live.

It’s given me the opportunity to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and even deeper than that, it’s allowed me to help others to create the same for themselves. It’s allowed me to help hundreds of other people become part time or full time Beachbody coaches, to leave that corporate 9 to 5 job and create passive income in their lives.

And really there’s nothing like that. It’s cool when you have success, it’s so much more rewarding when you help others. So I mention this or a few reasons, the first reason is, that’s actually the way that I work with people and mentor people. I don’t do anything outside of Beachbody coaching because I know that it’s such a powerful life changing tool.

So if you’re curious about working with me, interested in working one-on-one, interested in creating the type of life that you wanna live, I suggest swinging over there. The other reason is, even if somebody’s just curious, like you’ve heard about Beachbody, you know there’s a lot of Beachbody coaches out there. Maybe some of them you get a little annoyed with.

It really dives into what this business is really about, which is life transformation. So if you’re just curious, swing over there. And then the other piece is, if you’re really considering becoming a Beachbody coach, I highly, highly recommend you listen to that first.

Alright, much love guys. Again, that is the All About Beachbody Coaching Podcast, our sister podcast.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to the Business of Life Podcast. Apply what you learned today and you’ll be one step closer to creating the life you love to live.



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