EP29 Paradigm Shift and Imagineering Your LIfe

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Today’s episode is about paradigm shifting and what I call “imagineering.” What the what? Right? What is paradigm shifting, what is imagineering? What I mean by paradigm shifting is shifting the way that we view the world and the was we view certain circumstances.  When we view things, we all have this lens that we view it through.

It has to do with our parents, it has to do with our environment, some of it has to do with the DNA that we’re brought into the world with. Here’s an easy example, if you were brought up Catholic or you’re brought up Jewish, you have a different paradigm that you view parts of the world through.

Paradigm shifting is having the ability to change the paradigm that you see the world through.  It’s quantum change, that big massive change going from seeing things one way to totally seeing them a different way. In this episode I talk about a few different paradigm shifts and then dive into how it relates to your life.

I also talk about imagineering.  Imagineering is the process that happens once you realize that there is something else possible, once you realize that there’s a big beautiful, bold dream that’s been suppressed, maybe it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do in your life but life beat you up. Life got in the way through high school and college and marriage and kids or whatever it may be.

Somehow we forgot to be able to dream.  Once we re-acknowledge that dream or once we awaken a new dream, Imagineering is our mechanism to get that dream to come alive. Imagineering, is the visualizing, it’s the believing, it’s the daily activities, it’s the doing things over and over and over until that dream becomes a reality. That’s imagineering your dream, imagineering your life.

Show Transcript





[0:00:14] KC: Welcome to The Business of Life Podcast. Keith Callahan here, I am your host and as always, grateful to be here. I am recording today’s episode for the third time. The first time that I recorded this episode, I deleted it by accident. So I work in garage band when I record solo episodes and I deleted the track. I didn’t know that I did it, I thought I sent it off to the company who does all of the mixing, which by the way is We Edit Podcast.


So if you’re in the market for somebody for podcast editing there and all in one shop, by far, best prices around. So anyways, I thought I had sent it to them and I did not. The second one, I don’t know what the deal is but I have this thing with my garage band that every so often I will go in there and I will go to record something and then I’ll get the whole entire recording done and it’s all crazy buzzy, to the point that you can’t even hear it.


That happened the second time that I record this episode. So now we’re on the third time around, it’s early in the morning here at my house, I woke up at a little before six o’clock in the morning to record this for you. So here we are, third time around and third time is the best right? We had two practice rounds, this is going to be the best possible deliverance of this podcast episode.


Listen, if you’re new to the show, grateful to have you here. This is the show where what my focus is on, is really what I’ve lived my life. It’s going from a point of confused, desperate, not really sure what you want to do with your life, not having a clear path and not believing what is possible to literally being totally empowered, being, creating and living the type of life that you love to live. Eventually becoming a leader of leaders, eventually helping other people to do that.


So that is the life path that I’ve been on, it’s the life path that I share, it’s the life path that I know I’m supposed to be doing here on this world. That’s what we’re here for today. If you’re returning, awesome, great to have you back, much love and the best way that you guys can thank me, the best way that you guys can show your love and appreciation for the show — that sounds funny, the best way you can thank me, right?


No, the best— I always have people that come to me, they say they’re so grateful for the show. I love hearing that stuff, you know what I love even more? When you share it. When you’re sharing it with a friend, when you’re sharing with a relative, when you’re sharing it on social media, tag me on your posts. But that’s how we’re able to help more people, that’s how we’re able to get in touch with more people, especially if you’re a leader out there and you have people who are in your network.


The more we share this, the more lives we can touch, the more people we can lift up to creating, living, ultimately realizing the life they love to live. Today’s episode is about paradigm shifting and what I call “imagineering.” What the what? Right? What is paradigm shifting, what is imagineering? What I mean by paradigm shifting, I feel like we come into this paradigms in our life and the paradigm is the way that we view the world, the way that we view certain situations, the way that we view certain circumstances, we all have this lens that we view it through.


It has to do with our parents, it has to do with our environment that setting, some of has to do with that DNA that we’re brought up with. Here’s an easy example, if you were brought up Catholic or you’re brought up Jewish, right? You have a different paradigm that you view that, that you view God or if you were brought up Catholic or Jewish or anything else like that or you were brought up atheist.


So you have a different paradigm, you have a different lens that you view the world form. What I’m talking about with paradigm shifting is you, having the ability to change the paradigm that you see the world at through. I want to repeat that one more time. Changing the paradigm, changing the lens. That’s what a paradigm shift is.


Paradigm shift is that it’s like quantum change, that big massive change going from seeing things, having an attitude of a glass is half full, to having an attitude to a glass that’s half empty. Hopefully we’re switching the other way around right? From the empty to full. A paradigm shift, somebody who finds, who goes through a near death experience, they have a paradigm shift.


When they go through that near death experience, they have a different appreciation for life after that. We’re going to talk about a few different paradigm shifts and then we’re going to talk about how it relates to your life. We’re also going to talk about imagineering. With imagineering, this is real simple, it’s once you realize that there is something else possible, once you realize that there’s a big beautiful, bold dream that’s been maybe suppressed, maybe it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do in your life but life beat you up. Life got in the way through high school and college and marriage and kids or whatever it may be.


Somehow we forgot to be able to dream, we forgot to be able to… we’ve got to even acknowledge that that dream is there. Once we re-acknowledge that dream where once we awaken a new dream, Imagineering is our mechanism to get that dream to come alive and what I mean by Imagineering, it’s the visualizing, it’s the believing, it’s the daily activities, it’s the doing things over and over and over until that dream becomes a reality. That’s imagineering, your dream, imagineering your life.


What I’ve come to search for in my life and I’ve come to understand that so many of the mentors that I have, they go through life searching out new paradigms. Searching out new paradigms that increase the positive experiences that increase their personal power in life. So talking about a life of creating this life through searching out new paradigms and then imagineering those paradigms into reality.


As we’re going through today’s podcast, as we’re going through today’s, just everything that I’m going to be sharing, whether you’re in your car, whether you’re at home, whether you’re mowing the lawn, shovelling the snow, folding laundry, working out, wherever it is that you are out in the world today listening to this. I want you to think about your life, I want you to think about the paradigms, the lens that you currently view life through.


Because I believe that there’s two types of paradigm shifts, there’s the instant one right? The near death experience, it’s like, “Bam!” All of the sudden we see life differently but we don’t have to have that to have the big impact on our lives. We can have paradigm shifts over time by watching, observing, reading, taking in all the works of others.


Taking in the works of other human beings, watching nature, just being present, being aware of everything that’s going on around us and opening up our minds. What is that story that you believe right now. Like literally for your entire life, what is that story? Because that’s how it works, it’s like a record player, it just keeps going over and over and it’s so built into our daily lives, it’s so built into our subconscious. We don’t’ even realize that it’s the story that we’re telling ourselves. It’s the story that we’re creating.


The ultimate paradigm shift that I pray, if you haven’t had this yet, I just want to take a step back because we have so many different, so many people at so many different levels who listen to this podcast, so many people are at that point. Like you’re looking for a change in your life, something isn’t working. You’re looking for more.


If you’re at that point, I want you to know that the paradigm shift starts with you. What you’re looking for in your life doesn’t come from the outside, it starts from the inside. It starts with the lens that you view the world through. Then some of the people on this podcast, some of you listening, you’ve already had that shift, you already know what’s possible, you are in the process of building that big beautiful bold dream that is available to you.


Because make no mistake about it my friends, every one of us is born into this world with that big, beautiful, bold dream implanted in our DNA. Your job in life, the number one thing that you’re supposed to do in life is to bring that big, beautiful, bold dream to the surface and to live it.


That’s the type of paradigm shift that I’m talking about and some of our listeners, maybe it’s you, you’ve already had that shift, you’re in the process of going from that confused lost, sort of desolate state. I remember that so much in my life and you’re building that big, beautiful, bold dream. You’re in that imagineering process. Keep going with it. Then some of us have already lived that life and now we’re creating a life where we’re helping others. It’s the ultimate goal, it’s the ultimate gift in life is to pay something forward to others.


That’s what this show is about, this show, it may not be, if this is your first time listening, it may not be for you, it’s about becoming a leader of leaders, that’s the ultimate goal, that’s what I am here to teach, that’s what everything we’re going to focus on over all the years to come with this show is about becoming a leader of leaders. Living up to your potential, living up to that big, beautiful, bold dream that you can’t do on your own because it’s so big, because it’s so scary, because you don’t have the skill set.

We do it through imagineering, connecting in with the higher power, connecting in with the universe, whatever you want to call it. I want to share a story about a friend of mine, a lot of people have — so this friend of mine, his name is Dylan Ribero and a lot of people have this philosophy on life that the rich become richer, the wealthier become wealthier. “If I had the money,” right? I hear that so many times. This friend, Dylan Ribero and he had a wealthy family growing up.


We grew up in a very modest, small town called Norton, Massachusetts. Probably a population of 15,000. It was scattered with raised ranches, it used to be a cottage town for people from Boston. So we had, they call them the reservoirs now but there’s a bunch of reservoirs in town and they were all this little cottages on the reservoirs, tiny little cottages with no, you know, they were built for summer homes, there was no heat, they weren’t insulated and eventually they became insulated heat et cetera.


That’s sort of the picture of the town, real small cottages and then raised ranches, scattered around now that it’s become more developed and Dylan was sort of, from what I remember growing up in childhood, his family was probably the most successful family in town. They had opened up a couple of nursing homes his grandparents had and grandfather had and then he sold them off.


I remember growing up in the words of a lot of friends were “he’s the rich kid that,” there was this, it wasn’t necessarily said directly but over time, you picked up on the little philosophies that people had and it was — so let me take a step back. Dylan went on to have success on his own, so he’s created this sort of little enterprise or big enterprise in Norton. They own an excavating company, they own a septic pumping company. They own a bunch of land around town, they own apartment buildings, they own a company that distributes product for a lot of the excavating work.


So there’s a view that his success came because he had the money to begin with. A lot of people in the world have that same exact view and I think that I had that for a little bit. I always knew that I had the ability to create success on the highest level for myself and I think that I personally believe that in our western society, that money is a, it’s a form of measurement of success. Because you can do more. You can help more, you can give more.


I don’t’ think it’s the only measurement, I think that — and I also define success as “what is your big, beautiful, bold dream and are you on the path to creating that? And if you are, you’re successful in my eyes.” But a lot of people like, we look at — like money is sort of a taboo topic, we don’t like to talk about it, we don’t like to share our feelings about it.


Those who do not have that much money and haven’t found that much success in the financial realm, look at others and they think that it’s something different. “They had a leg up, they had this, they had that.” Whatever the story may be that we tell our selves. There is one leg up that my friend Dylan had growing up and it was the philosophy that was handed down to him in life, not the money.


The philosophy on working harder on himself than he does on his business. The philosophy of working harder to build passive income than he did on wages. Working harder to build systems that work and allow him to create a bigger business. Working harder on becoming a better human being to love, to care, the compassion, to understand, to interact with human beings, working harder on all of those things that it takes to become a successful business person.


Because you have to understand, he runs a business that is completely, and this is one of the reasons I like sharing this story. There’s so much integrity behind what he does. And at one point I woke up and I started to — so here’s where the paradigm shift came in and this is one of the biggest paradigm shifts in my life. I realize that he had a different lens that he viewed his life through.


And I realized that there’s so many other people out there that are having so much success in so many different realms of life; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially. They’re looking at things through a different lens, the ones that have it overtime, right? Cause there’s always that long shot or that quick little fix or the people that have this one or two years of success. I’m talking about the people that have it for long periods of time. Some of them have it all, right? It seems like everything they touch just turns to gold.


What if you looked at the world through their lens? That’s the type of paradigm shift that I’m talking about and for any of us, I don’t care who you are, there is people in this world who are doing something, who are — they have a better lens with some piece of their life than you do. The way that we change, the way that we view, because when we change the way that we look at and when we change the paradigm, when we change the lens that we’re looking through things, that’s the first step to being able to attract to us what it is that we want in our life.


When I realized that the Dylan Ribero’s out there were looking at the world, they were looking at their circumstances, they were looking at practice, training, they were looking at everything through a different lens. That was it. That was the only difference. I said, “I can do that.” It’s the paradigm that change my life, never gone back. Now I’ve created a life out of searching for new paradigm, searching for people who are living the type of life that I want to live, who have certain traits that I want to emulate, that I want to add into my life.


Seeking out those paradigms and then I get to work imagineering it into my life. So your paradigm shift and then your imagineering, when you’re imagineering, you start with that, “This is possible for me.” I always start it with “this is possible” and I have this mantra, “I can, I will, I am,” I literally, you’re talking to yourself all day long, why not make it good? Like good stuff, “I can, I will, I am. I can, I will, I am.” I love living in that spot, I love living in that mantra. I have this paradigm shift, I see it, start to build the energy, start to use that all day long, talking to myself that way, visualizing it.


Here is how the imagineering works in practicality not just in theory. When I started this podcast, I wanted to start a podcast, no idea how to start it, no idea what I was doing, no idea, haven’t the faintest but I planted that vision, I started to see myself, I saw myself being able to do it, there was something inside of me that opened up and blossomed when I decided to start this podcast because it’s aligned with what I’m supposed to be doing with my life right now.


The paradigm shift that I started to visualize, I didn’t know what I was doing, stumbled upon a course, bout a course, started to understand the actual physical part of setting up a podcast and “I can, I will, I am.” It’s going through my mind, I can see it, I’m visualizing it. So much self-doubt, so much negative talk going on but I understand that I know what it is, I know that it’s just chatter, it’s like a storm. Once we weather the storm, we start to come in to those clear waters.


Taking that first course started to give me a little bit of confidence, a little bit of faith, I can do this. I got in to a community of others who were doing this. Started to get support from them and my confidence and my beliefs started to build as I continued to imagineer it. And then got in started doing podcasting, started actually recording episodes, making mistakes. I started this show with — I recorded two episodes before this third time of recording this and all those mistakes that were involved in that.


When I first got started just so — like it was just bad! Go back to those first couple of podcast episodes, they’re bad, they’re not good! In a year from now, I’m going to go back to this episode and I’m going to say, “That was bad, it wasn’t good!” But each time we go through, each time we do the thing, each time we take the action, our belief and our faith in ourself to live out that big, beautiful, bold dream that’s been planted inside of us, that belief increases.


As that belief increases, it starts to take on a power of its own. I love recording these podcasts right now because my belief is getting stronger and stronger. My confidence is getting stronger and stronger, my ability to convey the message that I have for you is getting stronger and stronger just through repetition, the paradigm’s shifted and imagineering is the vehicle, it’s the energy, it’s the power behind pushing that new way we view the world forward. That new way we view what is possible for us forward.


It’s the way we move through the fear, it’s the way we move through the doubts. What is the paradigm that you view the world through right now? I have people in my life who, thinking of a very specific couple, married, three kids, about the same age, known them all my life, most of my life. Let me paint a picture and I want you to think if you know people in your life, like this.


“Nothing good ever happens to us, we always have bad luck, things just don’t go our way. It’s always been like that so it’s always going to be like that. So and so is lucky, so and so got this opportunity, they go that opportunity. That doesn’t happen for us.” The belief that you have, your life is never going to be different than those beliefs, you think that things don’t fall your way, you think that you have bad luck, you think that you don’t have good luck. You think that opportunities are not coming your way? They’re not.


I have another friend, Greg Amundson, he’s in one of the earlier podcast in the teens, go check it out, it’s an unbelievable podcast episode. Greg Amundson has created a life off of positive expectancy. With everything he does, and he talks about it and he does such an amazing job describing it in that episode. With the words, with the actions, with everything he’s doing, he has a childish excitement about the positivity that’s coming throughout the day.


He has rituals in the morning to awaken this, to aliven it, to liven that positive expectancy, he has rituals in the day to enforce, reinforce the positive things that happened in his life throughout that day. What story are you imagineering into our life? Human beings, we are remarkable people, we have the ability to rewrite the scripts that go on in our subconscious mind because don’t think for a minute that it’s your conscious mind that is the one directing you. It’s your emotions and your subconscious mind, that’s where all your actions are coming from.


But we have the conscious ability to change that script, positive expectancy or negative expectancy? Once you know that big, beautiful bold dream, scares you right? Scares us. Who are we to be so beautiful, to shine so brightly to have that dream? What are our friends going to say, what’s our family going to say, they know that that’s not who we are because we failed so many times and so many things and we’re scared of what other people are going to say about us.


Go back to that big beautiful, bold dream, shift the paradigm, shift the lens that you view the world through. Surround yourself with people who are living with positive expectancy who have the ability to pick you up, to hold you, to carry you to the life that you’re supposed to live, the life that you were put on this earth to live before life beat you up.


I love you guys, I’m so honored, grateful, and just happy. I’m happy doing this podcast, I’m happy being able to share this with you. If this is something that you’re enjoying, if it’s something that you’re finding value of, share specific episode, share the whole podcast, tag me on social media, I want to know what you’re likening about it, what’s working, et cetera, et cetera. Much love my friends, have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day.


[0:26:19] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to the Business of Life Podcast. Apply what you learn today and you’ll be one step closer to creating the life you love to live.


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