EP66 Part II – Interview with Stacy McKenna

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10941902_924115810954770_6925123120447770756_n (1)Part II –Today’s interview is with Stacy McKenna. Stacy is a Transformational Coach, Writer, Speaker and Publisher. We dive into her first mentor, Dr. Eli Goldratt, a movie she is producing – Skipping Joy, her work as a Keynote Speaker and Transformational Coach, the importance of commitments, etc.

Show Transcript

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[0:00:13.4] KC: Welcome back to The Business of Life Podcast. My name is Keith Callahan and today we have part two of my conversation with Stacy McKenna. If you didn’t catch part one, go ahead and check out last Wednesday’s episode with part one. All right, let’s go ahead and continue the conversation.


[0:00:34.4] KC: When we’re diving in a little deeper now, the people that you’re working with, I’m curious, so there’s certain people that — I think that everybody listening for the most part can understand that, “Yeah, if I’ve really slowed down and I can identify that big, beautiful, bold dream that I’ve always wanted to live, it gets a little scary though.” From the people that you’ve seen that have, we’ve gotten to the point of identifying it but then actually bringing it to life. What are the commonalities with the people that have brought it to life?

[0:01:15.7] SM: The commonalities, that’s a great question. The commonalities — well first of all, like you said, some people don’t even know the answers to the question or they don’t know how. One of the slippery slopes is that people may know and then they’re like, “How?” And then they’re like, “Oh my god. That’s just too crazy or that’s too much,” right? Then there’s people who don’t believe they don’t’ know. It’s really about taking a time, keep asking the question, “What is it that you want, what do you need? What is it that you want?” Keep asking it. It will come to you and then sometimes you’re so afraid but then it will come out.

Once you’re clear because it is within you, you’ve always known. Once you’re clear, it’s about having a vision that’s tangibles so that you know what you’re talking about, you know what you’re going for. That it’s not in a box, it’s sort of expansive because I promise you, the universe, god, source, spirit, whatever you want to call it is going to canned up something so much more gorgeous than you could have ever imagined, that I know to be true.

But the difference is, I think with people that actually have their dreams or their vision realized, are the difference of the people that live in their commitments. Our feelings are like a pendulum,

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they’re constantly going back and forth. Came out of yoga, you feel so amazing, someone cuts you off, you’re like — whatever.

You get this shitty news and it’s like up, down, up, down, all around. We’re human beings, we’re constantly reacting to things, right? I don’t know about you Keith, the little bit I do know about you, you actually do take care of yourself. You actually are about health and wellbeing, you have a very strong spiritual practice. Does that take commitment?

[0:03:16.5] KC: Yeah, you know, it’s interesting ‘cause the same question was, me and a business partner sat down about four years ago and we had both done a lot of work together and we were like, what was the difference? Why were we so successful in what we did and I honestly take it back to having a faith and not faith just like you said, not faith in “god’s going to come and do it for you” or I think everybody has their different beliefs, but faith in a process and faith in — like once that dream surfaces, it kind of scares the shit out of you. right?

It’s like, “Oh my god, this is way bigger, I can’t conceptualize this, it doesn’t make sense in my brain.” But I think at that moment we have a choice, do we shift in to, it sounds corny, fear or faith? But I think it’s more like do we shift into our heart and into our intuition because our analytical mind’s not going to get us there. So yeah, for me and the people that I’ve worked with, it’s really been that they’ve identified where they want to go but they have no idea how the hell they’re going to get there but they’ve committed 100% to getting there, if that makes sense?

[0:04:47.4] SM: It totally makes sense and that’s the other part, “What am I committed to,” right? I guarantee anyone listening, the things that you’re committed to in your life, they actually look pretty shiny. The things that you aren’t — it doesn’t mean you have to be committed like one of the most common things I hear form women, especially, “I’m over committed,” and of course I always laugh and like, “No, you’re not committed to anything. You’re doing everything half-assed.”

[0:05:11.5] KC: Oh, say that one more time, I love that.
[0:05:14.6] SM: “I’m so ever committed.” And it’s like, “No, you’re not committed to anything.”

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BOL 66 Transcript [0:05:20.6] KC: You’re half way in for everything.

[0:05:22.4] SM: Yeah right? It’s all in, especially for the women out there, I love working with women and I love working with men, I’m just saying I really have a pull to just having women just speak their truth, it’s okay to say no, it’s okay to say, “That doesn’t work for me.” I think when it’s the most powerful thing you can say when you know in your heart it’s not, “That doesn’t work for me.”

Without apologizing or defending or justifying it, it’s like period, cork in the mouth, shh! Right? So there’s that. What are you committed to? And what does commitment look like? I don’t know about you, I don’t always feel like working out or meditating or even having a client. Sometimes I don’t feel like it, but what am I committed to?

That’s the thing that gets me out of bed doing what I do, being who I’m being because I am committed to it and the things that I’m not committed to, guess what? I’m not doing them so much or they’re half assed like we said. Okay, so we get clear, what do we want to create and what are we committed to?

We can go into the how but that’s going to scare anybody, including me. Like, “Ah, that’s so much, it’s a mountain.” This is not about a mountain right? Any great journey begins with a single step and I always ask women, I speak at the end of everything that I — anytime I present, it’s always, “Let’s break it down.” Now you’re all excited, you’re all jazzed up and whatever.

What are the baby steps that you can take? Three, just do three, I like to work with sacred geometry, the triangle. What are three baby steps you could take to move towards that direction, rather than standing still or going backwards in fear? What’s the loving thing to do for yourself right now in that direction?

When I say baby steps, I really mean baby steps. So for example, I always tell this story, I had a client and he was a younger guy in his 20’s and one of this things, we’re doing this and he said, “Okay,” and I’m like, “Three baby steps.” One of his baby steps was run five miles every day because he wanted to do something around health and wellbeing.

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And so he was like, “Okay,” and I’m thinking to myself, “Well maybe he runs four miles every day now.” So I’m like, “Are you running right now?’ He goes, “No. I haven’t been running in about two years.” And so I burst out laughing and that’s the mistake so many people make. I’m like no, the baby step would be to go for a 20 minute walk or maybe a half a mile and maybe it’s three days a week.

It’s not zero to 60. I mean we live in this world of like instant gratification. Do you remember Keith when you actually had to go to a fax machine and that swirly paper that came out, you’d stand there all day to send a fax and now we’re pissed when the iPhone doesn’t send something in a millisecond.

[0:08:12.9] KC: I’m like really upset when I have to deal with anything to do with the state and they still want a fax.

[0:08:18.2] SM: I know, I know. Yeah, so it’s funny right? We live in this world where we’re so over stimulated and everything’s so — but the thing is, we have to go back to basics. We have to get grounded first of all, we have to just get out of the noise, disconnect, go inside and that doesn’t mean you have to be sitting in your living room with your legs crossed, “ohm” for an hour every day. Maybe it’s a walking meditation, maybe I don’t know what it is, it’s different for other people.

What could you choose that would allow you to just get quiet? Even if it’s a minute every day, even if it’s three times a day just stopping everything you’re doing and taking three deep breaths and then just getting grounded. That’s it, right? So only in those moments when we take the time to pause, to be still, to reflect are we going to have some of the answers of where we want to go, what we want to create.

Again, it goes back to what are you committed to? Because if you’re just committed to being on automatic and wondering how you got home, do you ever come home and you do the garage opener and you’re like, “Oh my god, how did I get here,” right? That’s how most people are living their lives because we’re conditioned to do so, right?

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You can’t really go, “Well how did I get to this age and this is my life? And I don’t even know how I got here.” Those people and I’m not separating like them, those people and me are different. No, but I am committed to checking out, I am committed, I do the work and it’s not always easy especially in this world we live in.

They’re creating by default and one of the foundations of my practice is learning to teaching people, mentoring people around creating deliberately. It’s going at life being generative and intentional and deliberate rather than automatic and reactive.

[0:10:21.8] KC: Yeah, I love that. Just to really sum that up, I always like to, as I’m just sitting here talking with you because one of the beauties of this podcast is I get to interview amazing guests and as we’re talking right now, it’s affirming those things that I know and really about deliberate creation and deliberate intention, living life intentionally versus really reacting and reacting to all the other forces that are outside of you.

And then another thing that you were touching on that I think is so important and it’s something that I’m always working on and it’s, you really — like if you’re in something, you have to be in it. Because I have noticed this with myself, the second that I let myself entertain the — let me give an example. So we go to a private — we have our kids in a private school right?

So I have four kids, there’s going to be four kids in this school and we’re going into it and we’re paying for four kids and so anyways, this one thing happened and this certain teacher and people have been making comments about this teacher in a situation. Now all of a sudden this whole group of other parents wanted to get together and meet up about how we can fix this problem.

It was like — it was fix it in a certain way, not in a good way but “this is wrong, it’s got to be fixed” and I saw myself jump into that and then I was like, “You know what? We’re committed to this, we’re committed to this school, we’re committed to having our kids here, we’re committed to making it the best for the kids after us. And I was like, what can we do to empower this person that might be struggling a little bit, to help this person out? Versus this person is doing something wrong, we have to fix it.”

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It was just that slight little thing when you’re committed 100%, you find ways to make everything work, but even deeper on an energetic level, when you’re committed 100%, you’re not wasting all your energy thinking about “What if?” Even in a relationship right? If you’re in it, you’re in it. There’s no — you’re in it. Find ways to make it work and I think in our day and age this is an important thing like find ways to make it work.

[0:12:56.2] SM: Right, and I love that you said, you used the word “empowerment”. You went form a place of right being triggered and you could’ve been pissed or you could be angry or you could be judgmental or even righteous in that moment, whatever was going on. But you caught yourself and you chose like in the commitment to living your life intentionally.

You’re like, “Okay, who can I be to have this, to empower this person?” You chose something that was loving and generous and possibly even very vulnerable because the person could be like, shut you down, right? It’s really in those moments where we pause. I mean that’s one of the things I got to tell you, every single one of my clients who has ever worked with me, it’s one of the things that always rolls off my tongue, almost in every session, is pause.

This goes back to like teaching kids mindfulness, if we don’t pause, how are we going to teach our kids and look at all that’s going on and I’m not saying we live in doom and gloom, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying, we get to actually create a better world. Our kids aren’t listening to a word we say, I hate to say it. They’re watching us. So when are we pausing? When are we clear? When are we grounded? And when are we reactive?

Reactive doesn’t necessarily mean bad, we could be excited or surprised, that’s reactive too right? Are we living in our life? That’s the only thing. I’m a controller, you know like “know thy self”, that’s one of my things. It doesn’t mean that it’s bad right? Being controlling, you get a lot done. Being controlling, I could save a life right? Being controlling in a way that maybe is emasculating my husband or pissing everybody off, not cool.

[0:14:42.8] KC: Yeah.
[0:14:45.1] SM: Going back to the mindfulness thing, just really, if you can just start a practice

and it’s so easy, if it’s once a day that I’m just pausing and I’m asking myself a question, “What © 2016 The Business of Life 6

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do you need? What’s going on?” And honor yourself where you’re at, honor yourself because you may be triggered and we’re human beings.

But at any given time when we realize we’re in a place that’s electric with being triggered and not in a good space, we get to choose. Do I want to stay here? Sometimes I say that a lot, I’ll go, “Yeah, you know I’m here, I’m going to stay here for a little while, I need to sit in my shit a little while.” Right? And sometimes that’s just to process. It’s not about — I’m not saying put on a happy face and be inauthentic in your life. No.

Give yourself the time, honor where you’re at because sometimes so many people, they think they’re on the ice so to speak to talk about hockey. They’re on the ice playing and meanwhile, they’ve been up in the bleachers for 40 years. They don’t even know that they went off the ice, there’s a lot of commentary by the way when people are in the bleachers, that’s a good way to know that the people are — or yourself in the bleachers, “Everybody else is doing everything wrong.”

But if we cultivate a practice of just pausing, even if it’s just once a day, 30 seconds, 10 seconds, just check in with yourself. It might be the difference between disease and health. It might be the difference of blowing your top and like you said, empowering someone else. It might be the difference between judging the crap out of somebody or being really loving and kind.

Again, when people say the how, it’s just this little tweaks. When I work with my clients, one of my favorite analogies maybe because I saw Rocky at such a young age, I was just blown away and of course it’s on the screen now again. But remember Rocky, the one armed push up?

[0:16:43.0] KC: Yeah.

[0:16:44.7] SM: You always remind people, “You’ve been on your one of those arms, really conditioning that one arm pushup for a really long time. We’re going to start exercising the other one and it’s going to feel awkward and it’s going to be painful and it feels really weak and you’re not used to it. But I promise you, if you keep conditioning, you’re going to be able to do them on

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both sides and you’re going to know which one is actually serving you. You know what? Then you can go and plank and be stable and grounded for a really long time.”

So again, it’s not so much hard work but it’s really the practice, what are you committed to and conditioning a little bit every day. That works for you. What works for me might not work for you but being true to yourself around that. I don’t sit in my living room and “ohm” it out, I don’t. But do I meditate every day? Yeah I do but it looks different for me and that’s okay. That doesn’t even mean you have to meditate every day.

But being mindful, pausing in your life, asking the questions, “What do I want?” I can’t even tell you how many times I’ll ask someone that, what do you want. They either say I don’t know or they get really emotional. Like, “No one’s asked me that since I was eight.” That’s sad. The good news is, in that moment, they’re being asked and they’re looking at life in a different way because they’re curious again, like a child.

[0:18:17.3] KC: Yeah, I think that that is the biggest thing that happened in my life, there’s probably two things, the biggest shift, the first shift was getting stable I think for me. I used to drink a lot when I was in high school and college and a real lot. So the first shift was stabilizing but then once I had that stability it was — I think we’re almost, like you’re half dead. It sound dramatic but I really believe it. If you don’t have a dream or a vision or a purpose, that’s probably the right word, there’s no life to it, you’re just going through the motions.

[0:18:59.1] SM: Yeah.
[0:19:01.2] KC: That’s the work you do, you bring out that purpose, right?

[0:19:04.6] SM: Yeah, and then you get to look at all the limiting beliefs that we all have been conditioned. One of my favorite questions is, “Is that true?” When people have this story, I’m like, “Is that true?” And they’re like, “Well, I don’t do this and I dunno?” Is that true? What is the lie that you’re telling yourself that has you living the life that you really deserve and want and not? It’s just in the lie, our egos and I don’t mean like egotistical, I mean the fear when I say ego.

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It’s really loud sometimes right? Here’s again goes back to choice when we’re even mindful that if the chatter is loud, we can really, you can do this while you’re listening, make believe you’re turning down the volume on an old stereo, turn that down and again, you can do it, sometimes I do that, physically do that. “Cuase it’s a reminder, it interrupts my pattern of thinking, turn it down. Sometimes I’ll say, “Knock it off.” It’s funny because my dog will fling her head up and be like, “What I do momma?”

[0:20:13.3] KC: Yup.
[0:20:14.5] SM: And I was talking to me. We get to do these things, I know it sounds a little

crazy but it’s amazing when you interrupt your own bullshit.

[0:20:24.8] KC: That’s a really deep, deep point for everybody listening that I’m a believer that we can focus on techniques or we can focus on philosophy and the philosophy is so much more powerful and what you were just sharing was when we were caught up in our thoughts, all we have to understand is we need to do something to interrupt it. Most of us try to stop it and it’s almost like diverging water that’s going one way. So yeah, I think that’s a really important thing for everybody just to think about.

[0:21:01.4] SM: Yeah, absolutely

[0:21:03.1] KC: Alright, so I want to fire some quick questions at you.

[0:21:07.0] SM: Okay.

[0:21:08.7] KC: What would you tell — what advice would you give your 25 year old self?

[0:21:14.8] SM: First of all, you’re going to laugh, I don’t give advice but what I’d offer to my 25 year old self or what I’d invite my 25 year old self…

[0:21:23.8] KC: I like the wording.

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[0:21:25.7] SM: I’m a word Nazi for sure. Okay, thoughts become — we have thoughts, there’s an energy to that, we say it aloud, our language. Language is what separates us from the animals, more powerful, more energy, we write it down even more powerful. So I’m very careful with my words. Because advice is like telling someone to do something and I feel like most people don’t take it anyway.

Because we know, we know the good advice. We just want to hear it from everybody else and then choose our own thing anyway right? What I’d offer to invite my 25 year old self would be to love herself. To treat her body especially like she would treat her best friend.

[0:22:14.1] KC: I don’t know if I’m walking into another one, the same type wording. [0:22:19.3] SM: You can ask whatever you want.

[0:22:21.1] KC: How about, what are your feelings on mentors and have you ever worked with mentors?

[0:22:30.6] SM: Okay, so I don’t believe in “gurus” so to speak but I do believe in mentors, I think it’s just a word. Gurus is more of like, “I know more than you.” Just like when people say, “Oh I’m enlightened and you’re not.” That kind of thing. I believe we’re all the same and I believe it comes down to our conditioning and then the choice is when we become old enough to know better.

Mentors, yeah I mean everyone’s a mentor, everyone can be a mentor. I think my biggest mentor is my dog. My dog teaches me how to live every day. If you’re paying attention, right? It’s just love, love, love. Right? So yeah, I think everybody can be a mentor and I think the more that you’re open to learning and being mentored, the more you’re going to attract mentors in your lire and they show up in so many shapes, sizes, ages, it’s amazing.

Like I said, if someone were to ask me, I said earlier my greatest mentor to date was my former boss Dr. Goldrat. That’s rivalled with my dog to be honest with you. She teaches me how to live and he taught me how to really show up powerfully in the world.

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BOL 66 Transcript [0:23:41.2] KC: What about books? Favorite books?

[0:23:44.9] SM: Oh I just did this with somebody else, that’s funny. Favorite books, that’s really hard because I love to read.

[0:23:51.0] KC: Go ahead, fire out whatever you want.
[0:23:53.1] SM: The Alchemist is one of my all-time favorites.
[0:23:57.3] KC: That was Paulo Coelho.
[0:23:59.9] SM: Yup, I don’t know how to say his name, but yes that’s him. [0:24:02.5] KC: That’s like the weirdest last name.

[0:24:02.8] SM: I’m not going to pretend. Yeah, that one. Racing In The Rain, I’m not good with authors I apologize. A Return to Love is a staple on my nightstand, it’s a book based on the Course of Miracles and it’s one of those books you can just open up any day and read from it and go, “Oh yeah, thank you.”

[0:24:26.2] KC: Marianne Williamson, right?

[0:24:27.0] SM: Yes, that’s one of my all-time favorite books.

[0:24:29.8] KC: Yeah, we were just talking about her yesterday.

[0:24:32.5] SM: Yes we were. Let’s see. Daring Greatly by, and again I don’t know if I’m saying her name right, is it Brené Brown?

[0:24:40.3] KC: Yeah, I don’t know. It’s sitting on my wife’s nightstand but yeah, I think it’s Brené Brown, I don’t know.

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[0:24:51.7] SM: Yeah, that’s a fantastic, highly recommend that book, there’s lots of juice, lots of knowledge in there, it’s really aligned with my work. She’s a researcher or a story teller and it’s really about vulnerability and courage which to me if you’re going to be vulnerable, as courageous as you can get. One of my Ann Rand, Atlas Shrugged, that’s a hard read but it’s pretty cool if you can get through it.

[0:25:19.6] KC: What is it called?.

[0:25:20.1] SM Atlas Shrugged.

[0:25:23.6] KC: Shrugged? Like…

[0:25:25.6] SM: Yeah, like the guy holding the weight of the world on his shoulders, he shrugged — Atlas Shrugged. Ann Rand. Anything Ann Rand is pretty cool.

[0:25:32.4] KC: I’ve never read that one before, I’d like to check it out.
[0:25:35.1] SM: Yeah, definitely. And let me think, I’m just trying to think because people ask

these questions, you’re like, “Oh my god, I read so many books.” The Red Tent is another one. [0:25:44.7] KC: Oh another one of my wife’s favorites.

[0:25:46.9] SM: Yeah, the TV movie just didn’t do it any justice. It’s for women. It’s, you’re almost — and I thought, “Oh that seems really religious and I didn’t really want it, but one of my dear friends who reads all the time, she’s like, “Please read it.” And I’m glad I did.

[0:26:01.1] KC: Read it like 10 years ago?
[0:26:03.3] SM: I read it a while — yeah, probably like 10 years ago.

[0:26:05.5] KC: Yeah, that’s when my — I remember my wife, my mother, my sister, they were all reading it then.

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[0:26:11.3] SM: Yeah, it’s a fascinating book and it just makes you kind of really own the power of being a woman and it’s not like a feminist book or anything, it’s just a beautiful story. Really talks about how we could really take care of each other and what comes out of that. It’s a beautiful story. I’m going to end there though because when you go blank when someone asks you a question like that?

[0:26:34.6] KC: Well one more then.

[0:26:36.5] SM: Oh I meant for books.

[0:26:38.0] KC: I know, I know. So I want to skip over to something else.

[0:26:41.9] SM: Okay great.

[0:26:44.4] KC: So outside of Skipping Joy, any movies that really got you or documentaries or anything?

[0:26:51.7] SM: There’s so many. I mean I’m a film buff, I go to see a film every week. Sometimes twice and I have been for years. That could be a really long conversation but if I were to say my all-time favorite movie would be the Italian Film, Life is Beautiful.

[0:27:07.7] KC: What is it?
[0:27:08.8] SM: Life is Beautiful?
[0:27:10.5] KC: Man, I’ve never seen that either.

[0:27:11.6] SM: Oh my god, he won so many academy awards and oh god, take your breath away. Back when there were concentration camps, yeah. But it’s again, it’s really a reflection of the work that I do because it’s all about perception. How are you perceiving your reality because that is your reality?

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Basically they’re in a concentration camp and his child never knows that they’re in a concentration camp because of the way how he is with his son. Everything’s a game to protect him. It’s one of the most beautiful stories, I think, on film. Yeah.

[0:27:48.8] KC: I’ll have to check that out.

[0:27:49.8] SM: For sure. I will add, another one that blew me away, inspired me to write and it’s actually on my website and it’s a quick little article that I wrote and it’s all about what we were talking about. Like shelving our dreams and what’s up with that? But it’s The Artist. Do you remember The Artist that won all this academy awards a few years ago?

[0:28:12.6] KC: My wife loves it, I haven’t seen it.

[0:28:14.2] SM: Yeah. Do yourself a favor, see both of them and it’s just really, it’s a silent film and obviously it was just a few years ago. Who would want to go see a silent film in black and white that looks like it’s all about someone tap dancing? And it was — it’s brilliant.

[0:28:31.7] KC: Really? [0:28:32.4] SM: Yup.

[0:28:33.3] KC: All right. I have this in my phone, I have an app in one of the sections in the app, it’s like “Movies to Watch”. I’ve got two more to add in now..

[0:28:44.3] SM: Yeah, and of course like The Departed is one of my all time…

[0:28:47.9] KC: I mean who doesn’t like that? Especially if you’re from this area.

[0:28:52.0] SM: Yeah, and the usual suspects but yeah. Those are — those movies that they’re just so well done and the story is so intricate but I can go on forever about films, that would be a whole another interview.

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[0:29:06.1] KC: Well I know that you are a busy woman and you’re getting ready to travel. But before we go, for people who are listening and they want to reach out to you, they want to connect with you, maybe they’re interested in talking to you about setting up speaking or speaking to their group or they’re interested in working with you one on one. I guess two questions, how would they get in touch with you and any recommendations that you have?

[0:29:37.4] SM: Recommendations as far as?
[0:29:39.2] KC: Yeah, like the type of person that you would work with best or that might benefit

from working with you?

[0:29:48.1] SM: That’s a great question. My website again is a good way to reach me. So it’s StacyRMcKenna.com and you can fill out, send me an email there. I have no problem telling people, because you can obviously go to the website, my office number is 508-362-4063. And as far as anyone that wants to work with me one on one and it says all the information on my website, I set up an intro call.

And that’s just a 20 minute conversation that we get, the person gets to ask me any questions they want. I share, I throw up on them a little bit about the work that I do, then they could ask more questions. But it’s really just a place for us to connect. I never take on a new client unless we have that intro call.

Because they might need something that my services don’t provide and I would recommend them based on what they need, if I have a resource that I could recommend. Or sometimes it’s not a fit and I don’t want that to deter people but because I really believe that anyone who is reaching out to me, I’ve attracted.

That’s usually the case, they’re usually very likeminded individual and they’re ready. They’re ready to go to work at their lives. Having the results in our lives be different rather than feeling stuck and what I will say to anyone listening is you’re not stuck. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. You’re not broken, you’re all light, you’re perfect, but it’s really about the perception or the lies that you’ve been telling yourself that you’re living by. That’s what’s going on.

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So I welcome people to exercise some courage and give me a shout and have a conversation and again if we’re not a fit, I’m happy to refer sometimes men are like, “I want a guy coach,” and I’m happy to recommend powerful male coaches that I adore and admire and would trust absolutely with my life. So yeah, does that answer your question?

[0:31:58.1] KC: Yeah, one final thing I do want to say is that some of those men who don’t want to work with the women just might need to work with a women.

[0:32:09.1] SM: Yeah, and I have to say, any male that has reached out to me that didn’t happen. Meaning they were like, “Yeah, no, right on.” They feel, I don’t know what that is because I’m not a guy, but they never turned away. And some of them were like, “Yeah, I was wondering if you could refer me,” but then after the conversation, they were like, “Let’s do this.”

[0:32:27.4] KC: Awesome. [0:32:28.1] SM: Yeah, yeah.

[0:32:29.4] KC: Well, thank you so much Stacy, it’s been awesome getting to know you better and really understanding the work that you do and grateful for all the work that you’re doing out there and for all the lives that you’re changing, and the people that you’re inspiring to really live that dream that’s inside of them. So fhank you for everything.

[0:32:54.5] SM: Yeah, Keith, thank you and I just want to acknowledge you for creating a space where people can connect and have powerful conversation. I admire and honor you and I’m privileged to be here with you today and ‘cause when that goes out, there’s a ripple effect to that. Thank you.

[0:33:15.0] KC: Thank you. [END OF INTERVIEW]

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[0:32:15.4] KC: Hey, Keith here, and today I have a free gift for you. Listen this free gift is a list of the 12 most influential books that I’ve ever read. These are the books that have helped me to create the mindset, learn the philosophies, learn the skills to really create this big, beautiful, life that we’re living now.

I read a crazy amount of books, I really do. I’ve probably read thousands of books and these are the top 12 books that – they’re the ones that I go to, they’re the ones that I work with over, and over, and over again. They are highlighted, outlined, dog-eared. And I put this list together for you because I want it to be a shortcut.

I don’t want you to have to – you don’t have to go out and read the thousands and thousands of books. These are the 12 that I highly recommend. I have a detailed review for each book, explaining why I recommend them, why I like them, when I worked with them in my life, what part of my life they helped me to improve.

So I put this together for you, and made it super each for you to get this list. All you have to do is send a text to the number 33444 and then in the body of that text, type in “12books” with no space. So that’s the number “12books”. Again, send the text message to the number, address it to 33444 and then type in “12books” as the message and just send that. And that’ll get you setup to receive those top 12 most influential books that have had the biggest impact on my life.


[0:35:19.4] KC: Today’s episode is brought to you by our sister podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. So All About Beachbody Coaching really allows us to do this podcast without having all those annoying commercials in the beginning for you. So All About Beachbody Coaching, the Beachbody business that Amy and I run, actually funds this podcast.

So yes, it does cost money to run this podcast, we do not charge you anything, we don’t throw in commercials or anything like that, it really is, it’s funded by our business and by our other podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. And for me, I’m just eternally grateful for this opportunity because it’s allowed me to really create the life that I love to live.

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It’s given me the opportunity to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and even deeper than that, it’s allowed me to help others to create the same for themselves. It’s allowed me to help hundreds of other people become part time or full time Beachbody coaches, to leave that corporate 9 to 5 job and create passive income in their lives.

And really there’s nothing like that. It’s cool when you have success, it’s so much more rewarding when you help others. So I mention this or a few reasons, the first reason is, that’s actually the way that I work with people and mentor people. I don’t do anything outside of Beachbody coaching because I know that it’s such a powerful life changing tool.

So if you’re curious about working with me, interested in working one-on-one, interested in creating the type of life that you wanna live, I suggest swinging over there. The other reason is, even if somebody’s just curious, like you’ve heard about Beachbody, you know there’s a lot of Beachbody coaches out there. Maybe some of them you get a little annoyed with.

It really dives into what this business is really about, which is life transformation. So if you’re just curious, swing over there. And then the other piece is, if you’re really considering becoming a Beachbody coach, I highly, highly recommend you listen to that first.

Alright, much love guys. Again, that is the All About Beachbody Coaching Podcast, our sister podcast.

[0:37:46] ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to the Business of Life Podcast. Apply what you learned today and you’ll be one step closer to creating the life you love to live.


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