EP131 The Secret to Eating Healthy is a Simple One

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Before you start thinking, “But Keith! But Keith!”, just hear me out. The concept of eating healthy has been made to feel complicated but it’s actually very, very simple.

Show Transcript

BOL 131


Episode 131


KC:  Welcome to The Business of Life Podcast. My name is Keith Callahan, your host. And this morning, I want to talk to you about eating healthy. And I’m going to start with a huge disclaimer. I am by no means a nutritionist. I am by no means the physical specimen because I’m eating healthy all the time. But I do understand the concept of food and the concept of eating healthy. I know that there’s going to be tons of critics on this message because there’s going to be all those “But Keith, but Keith, but Keith”.

Here’s what I like to do in life. I like to focus on making things extremely simple. And there’s nothing that has been made more complicated and in all honesty, the complications are absurd than healthy eating. Healthy eating is simple, simple, simple. Single ingredient foods. Done. That’s it. That’s healthy eating. Simple ingredient foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, meats, eggs, fish. It’s all food that is grown. And here’s the second part to it grown naturally.

So the best stuff that you can get is local, locally grown, organic stuff from farm to table type of stuff. The more processing and packaging it goes through and the more that it’s messed with. The nutrients are compromised and then you know especially if it’s non-organic and all these pesticides, all these other stuffs added into it, hormones and all that stuff.

But here’s the solution to a healthy diet, right? That’s it, single ingredient foods. And you can mix them up a little bit. You can take a piece of fish or a piece of chicken or something like that and you can add herbs and spices. You know that’s all good. But once we start getting into packaged foods, boxed foods, preservatives like all that stuff like you just get further and further. And don’t get me wrong like so I don’t eat that way all the time. But I know that when it’s time for me like when I need to rein in my diet, when I’m not feeling good, when I’m not on the top of my game, when I gained a little bit of weight.

Like it’s just simple. I’ll eat healthy food, simple food and I’ll eat till I’m not hungry anymore. Like when you’re eating single ingredient foods, your body will tell you when you’re hungry and when you’re not. You’re body is also going to tell you, “Go get that apple.” “Go get that banana.” “Oh, you need vegetables.” You could use a little bit more approaching like your body tells you this stuff. We don’t need this insane calculated out thing unless you’re going for a specific goals. But for me, I’m a 39-year-old dude who is looking to be healthy and vibrant and feel good. I don’t need this insanely complicated diet. Nobody does. We just need to eat healthy single ingredient foods.

And the one caveat to that and I know that a lot of people are saying the buts with this. But I’m gluten-free. But I have this intolerance but I have that– OK, so just remove that. That’s like crazy simple. “I can’t eat beans.” “OK, don’t eat beans. There are a million of other things that you can eat.” “I don’t eat meat.” “OK, don’t eat meat. But eat everything else single ingredient foods.” Make sense? Simple.

So, again, I like to keep things simple in my life. That’s how when I want to dial in my diet, that’s all I do. Put the packaged stuff away.

All right, have a beautiful, beautiful day and see you on the next episode. Peace!


KC: Hey, Keith here, and today I have a free gift for you. Listen this free gift is a list of the 12 most influential books that I’ve ever read. These are the books that have helped me to create the mindset, learn the philosophies, learn the skills to really create this big, beautiful, life that we’re living now.

I read a crazy amount of books, I really do. I’ve probably read thousands of books and these are the top 12 books that – they’re the ones that I go to, they’re the ones that I work with over, and over, and over again. They are highlighted, outlined, dog-eared. And I put this list together for you because I want it to be a shortcut.

I don’t want you to have to – you don’t have to go out and read the thousands and thousands of books. These are the 12 that I highly recommend. I have a detailed review for each book, explaining why I recommend them, why I like them, when I worked with them in my life, what part of my life they helped me to improve.

So I put this together for you, and made it super each for you to get this list. All you have to do is send a text to the number 33444 and then in the body of that text, type in “12books” with no space. So that’s the number “12books”. Again, send the text message to the number, address it to 33444 and then type in “12books” as the message and just send that. And that’ll get you setup to receive those top 12 most influential books that have had the biggest impact on my life.


KC: Today’s episode is brought to you by our sister podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. So All About Beachbody Coaching really allows us to do this podcast without having all those annoying commercials in the beginning for you. So All About Beachbody Coaching, the Beachbody business that Amy and I run, actually funds this podcast.

So yes, it does cost money to run this podcast, we do not charge you anything, we don’t throw in commercials or anything like that, it really is, it’s funded by our business and by our other podcast, All About Beachbody Coaching. And for me, I’m just eternally grateful for this opportunity because it’s allowed me to really create the life that I love to live.

It’s given me the opportunity to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and even deeper than that, it’s allowed me to help others to create the same for themselves. It’s allowed me to help hundreds of other people become part time or full time Beachbody coaches, to leave that corporate 9 to 5 job and create passive income in their lives.

And really there’s nothing like that. It’s cool when you have success, it’s so much more rewarding when you help others. So I mention this or a few reasons, the first reason is, that’s actually the way that I work with people and mentor people. I don’t do anything outside of Beachbody coaching because I know that it’s such a powerful life changing tool.

So if you’re curious about working with me, interested in working one-on-one, interested in creating the type of life that you wanna live, I suggest swinging over there. The other reason is, even if somebody’s just curious, like you’ve heard about Beachbody, you know there’s a lot of Beachbody coaches out there. Maybe some of them you get a little annoyed with.

It really dives into what this business is really about, which is life transformation. So if you’re just curious, swing over there. And then the other piece is, if you’re really considering becoming a Beachbody coach, I highly, highly recommend you listen to that first.

Alright, much love guys. Again, that is the All About Beachbody Coaching Podcast, our sister podcast.

ANNOUNCER: Thank you for listening to the Business of Life Podcast. Apply what you learned today and you’ll be one step closer to creating the life you love to live.



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